Pedestrian Safety For Kids

Parents in Aiken are busy preparing to get children back to school as the summer months draw to a close. In the midst of gathering school clothes, notebooks, pencils and other supplies, it’s important to go over some basic pedestrian safety tips. Regardless of whether your child walks or takes the bus to school, they are likely to be crossing traffic more frequently, increasing their risk for personal injuries. Pedestrian accidents are an unfortunately common occurrence, particularly among children. Parents and drivers can help reduce these risks by better understanding pedestrian safety for kids.
Children & Pedestrian Injuries
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), roughly 12 pedestrians lose their lives each day in the U.S. due to pedestrian accidents, while close to 500 others suffer serious and potentially life threatening injuries. Children are among the most common victims, and roughly one out of every five pedestrian deaths involve victims under the age of 14.
During the school year, children can face increased risks either walking to school or while waiting at bus stops. Parents can help protect them by following this advice for pedestrian safety for kids:
Make sure your child wears bright colored clothing, and use reflective strips to increase visibility during the early morning hours.
Remind them to remain on sidewalks and to cross only at designated crosswalks and intersections.
Before stepping into a crosswalk or at a traffic signal, they should look left, then right, then left again to be sure no cars are coming.
At school bus stops, they should line up in an orderly fashion, well behind the curb.
Wait for the bus to stop completely before approaching.
When exiting the bus, walk ten feet away and wait for the driver’s signal before attempting to cross.
They should always avoid standing near the back wheels of the bus or anywhere the driver cannot see them.
The Role Drivers Play In Pedestrian Safety
Drivers play a significant role in pedestrian safety, particularly when it comes to children, and they can be held responsible for accidents even if a child suddenly darts off the sidewalk and in front of their car. To protect everyone’s safety and reduce the risks of a pedestrian accident, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends drivers follow these tips:
Obey posted speeds and be aware of restrictions in school zones.
Use particular caution during the morning and afternoon, when school starts and lets out.
Pay attention at crosswalks. Come to a complete stop, and wait before moving in case of last minute crossers.
Remember to stop when school bus lights are flashing, and do not resume traveling until the bus begins moving.
Been In An Accident? Get Help Today
Pedestrian accidents often result in catastrophic injuries, requiring ongoing treatment and potentially causing permanent impairments. If you or someone you care about is involved in this type of accident, call or contact the Surasky Law Firm, LLC online and request a free consultation. Our Aiken, SC pedestrian accident attorneys offer the compassionate, professional legal representative you need at a time like this, so you can get the compensation you deserve.