Stay Safe While Celebrating The New Year

New Year’s Eve is right around the corner. That means it’s time to start making your arrangements for the countdown to 2018. Whether you go out to dinner, host a party at home, or attend one of the many outdoor events in our area, you want to make safety a top priority. Amidst the celebrations, there is a chance that people will overdo it when it comes to drinking, making car accidents and other types of personal injuries more likely. The following offers some simple precautions and tips to help you and those you love start the New Year healthy, happy and safe.
New Year’s Eve Car Accidents
Many of us will be toasting the new year with a glass of champagne and other types of adult beverages. That and the fact that most celebrations occur in the hours immediately before midnight makes the evening more dangerous. Drinking and driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents and injuries, and driving at night increases your overall risks. According to car insurance company Safe Auto, there are more alcohol related crashes and collisions between the hours of 6:00 p.m. December 31st and 6:00 a.m January 1st than there are on just about any other night of the year.
Overall, 71 percent of car accidents on New Year’s Eve list alcohol as a contributing factor. These accidents kill more than 150 people, resulting also in serious and potentially disabling injuries for drivers, passengers, bicyclists and pedestrians. If you plan on drinking over the holiday, follow these tips to help promote safety:
Pick a designated driver.
Make plans now to take a cab or Uber home, as these companies will quickly fill up.
Look for events at hotels, where you can get a room for the night.
If you’re going to a house party, ask the host if you can spend the night.
Limit yourself to one or two drinks, and stop drinking completely at least one hour prior to getting behind the wheel.
Other Dangers On New Year’s Eve
While drinking and driving is an obvious danger on New Year’s Eve, there are other threats you need to be aware of. State Farm insurance recommends the following:
If you host or attend a bonfire, make sure there is a ready water source nearby. Keep the fire small, contained, and avoid getting too close.
If you shoot off fireworks or attend a display, remember to shoot them away from houses or crowds. Supervise children and make sure any ‘duds’ are out before approaching.
In South Carolina, it is not uncommon for people to shoot off rifles and guns in celebration. Avoid doing this if you have been drinking or if there are neighbors nearby. Aim for prepared targets, such as empty cans or a bullseye, rather than firing straight up in the air.
Been In An Accident? Get Help Today
At the Surasky Law Firm, LLC, we wish you and yours a safe, happy year to come. When accidents and injuries impact you or a loved one, contact our Aiken personal injury attorney to get the professional legal representation you need.