Protecting Children Against Accidents & Personal Injuries

Now that spring is almost here and daylight savings time has taken effect, there will be more hours at the end of the work day to enjoy outdoor activities. For children, this means extra time they get to spend participating in sports or recreational programs and hanging out with friends in their neighborhood. To help keep them safe, we have collected the following tips on protecting them from accidents and potentially serious personal injuries.
Common Ways Childhood Injuries Occur
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), accidental injuries are a leading cause of death and disability for children throughout the U.S. More than nine million children under the age of 19 end up seeking treatment in hospital emergency rooms each year as the result of personal injuries that could have otherwise been prevented. The following are among the leading causes of these injuries as well as some ways you can help ensure your children are protected:
Bike accidents. With warmer weather and extra daylight hours, children will be out riding their bikes in greater numbers. Make sure they were a helmet and travel in areas free from heavy traffic.
Pedestrian accidents. With children walking to local parks and playing games with their friends, there is more likelihood for them to get distracted and step onto the street without looking both ways. Emphasize the importance of staying on sidewalks and using crosswalks anytime they cross the street.
Sports and recreation accidents. Team play provides a sense of camaraderie for children and is an excellent way for them to stay fit. But make sure they receive proper training and wear the appropriate safety gear.
Slips and falls. Children have a knack for climbing on jungle gyms and up trees, but they can end up being a little too reckless. The CDC reports that falls are the number one cause of personal injuries among children.
Dog bites. Children are not the only ones who enjoy being out on a spring evening. More people are likely to be walking their dogs, and children should be taught never to approach an animal without consulting with the owner first. The CDC warns that after falls, animal attacks are the second leading cause of childhood injuries.
Car accidents. Just because they are not little anymore does not mean your teens don’t need your guidance and protection. If your teen is recently licensed, place limits on the amount of time they spend behind the wheel. CDC fact sheets show that teen drivers are most at risk for accidents within the first few months of passing their license exam.
Has Your Child Been Injured? Get Help Today
Despite your precautions, accidents and injuries can still occur. When they do, our Aiken, SC personal injury attorney is here to help. Contact the Surasky Law Firm, LLC to request a consultation. We can advise you on how to hold responsible parties accountable, so you can get the compensation you or your loved one needs to recover.