Protecting Children Against Back to School Injuries

As school vacation draws to a close, parents are busy getting their children ready to go back to school. Whether this is your child’s first year in kindergarten or they are high school students, you are likely rushing to ensure they have the clothes, backpacks, tablets, and other supplies they need to be prepared. This is also a good time to review some basic safety procedures that both you and your children can follow to protect against accidents and personal injuries. The following tips can help ensure a safe and healthy school year ahead.
Getting to and from School
If your child will be riding the school bus, you want to be sure they are prepared. Make sure they know to get to the bus stop early to avoid rushing, wait far back from the curb, and wait to load or unload until the bus comes to a complete stop. For younger children, make sure they are escorted by an adult or older sibling, and warn them of the importance of crossing only at designated intersections. While school bus safety is an area of concern for most parents, the fact is that riding the bus is generally safer than when mom or dad elect to drive them to and from school.
If you do decide to provide your own transportation, it is important to take the necessary precautions to prevent pedestrian accidents, which are unfortunately common in school zones. The American Automobile Association (AAA) recommends the following tips:
Obey posted speed limits, which are lower when school is in session;
Come to a complete stop at traffic signs and signals in school zones, and watch for children crossing and bolting out from sidewalks;
Be aware of blind spots in your vehicle, and warn your own children about playing or walking near and around cars;
If your high schooler is driving themselves, make sure they do not drive distracted and are mature enough to handle this responsibility.
Prevent Sports-Related Injuries
Children look forward to participating in school sports and recreational activities, and as parents you are likely to encourage their involvement. While these activities can be good for their health and overall development, you want to ensure the coaches and administrative staff are taking the proper precautions. As a parent, Kids Health recommends taking the following steps:
Enroll your child in programs that are appropriate for their age and abilities;
Make sure the proper training is provided;
Insist that safety gear is worn at all times;
Inspect play surfaces, to ensure they provide the proper cushioning;
Insist they notify you immediately and remove your child from play if an accident or injury occurs.
Contact Us Today for Help
When accidents and injuries impact you or your child, our Aiken personal attorney is here to provide the compassionate support and legal guidance you need. Contact the Surasky Law Firm, LLC for a consultation to discuss your legal rights and how we can help you.