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‘100 Deadliest Days’ Campaign Raises Awareness On Summer Driving Safety

With the recent Memorial Day holiday, the summer season officially kicked off in South Carolina. Hundreds of thousands of people will be traveling throughout the state, attending events and participating in outdoor activities. The increase in the number of motorists on the road increases your risks for car accidents resulting in serious personal injuries. A nationwide campaign raises awareness of the dangers and offers tips to help keep you and your passengers safe.

May Through August Deadliest Times of Year For Car Accidents

Summer is typically the time of year to take road trips. Throughout the Carolinas, there are plenty of places within just a few hours of Aiken that make for a great day trip or even a long weekend. According to the AAA Carolinas, nearly 540,000 local residents will be taking to the roads at some point over this summer season. This is in addition to the numerous tourists flooding into the state from outside areas.

As a result, the period from May through August is one of the most common for car accidents. The increased risk for serious and potentially fatal crashes between Memorial Day and Labor Day has caused traffic safety officials to label this time period the ‘100 Deadliest Days’ of summer. Among the leading causes of these crashes include:

  • Speeding and driving too fast for conditions

  • Driving distracted, which includes using cell phones or texting, eating and drinking while driving, focusing on passing sights and attractions, and even talking to other passengers

  • Drowsy driving, which is a common problem for people on vacation and those coming off extended road trips

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, medications, or any intoxicating substance

Play It Safe This Summer

According to a May 27, 2019 report in the Aiken Standard, the number of highway traffic deaths has declined somewhat over the past few years. There were 13 reported fatalities on Aiken roads in 2017. In 2018, this number dropped by almost half. The South Carolina Highway Patrol aims at keeping these figures on a downward trend by maintaining a heavy presence on the roads over the next few months. They recommend the following tips to help you play it safe on the roads this summer season:

  • Take your time when heading out on the road and avoid speeding

  • Refrain from aggressive driving behaviors such as tailgating and failing to yield

  • Take breaks every few hours to stretch your legs when traveling longer distances

  • Use extra caution when traveling through work zones

  • Avoid driving after heavy meals, when you are more likely to feel fatigued

  • Refrain from driving if you are drinking or taking medications

  • Make sure you and your passengers wear a seat belt at all times

Let Us Help You Today

At the Surasky Law Firm, LLC, we are here to help when car accidents and injuries occur. If you or someone you care about is involved in a crash, contact our Aiken personal injury attorney to request a consultation.

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