Involved in a Car Accident While on Vacation?

Many people travel from out of state to visit South Carolina on summer vacation each year. Many pass through the Aiken area on their way to places such as Charleston, Hilton Head, and Myrtle Beach. While we may be well known for our variety of beautiful destinations, South Carolina residents also have a reputation for dangerous behaviors on the road.
Car accidents resulting in serious personal injuries are common, and out of towners are not exempt from being involved in these crashes. Here are some tips on how you can protect yourself on the roads.
Car Accidents In South Carolina: Reckless Drivers Often To Blame
According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), South Carolina ranks among the top states in the country in terms of car accident risks. More than a t housand people each year are killed in these crashes while tens of thousands of others suffer potentially serious injuries.
Road conditions, adverse weather, and heavy traffic can all make crashes and collisions more likely to occur. However, reckless driving behaviors on the part of others are often the underlying cause. Common types of dangerous behaviors you are likely to encounter from other drivers include:
Speeding and going too fast for conditions
Failing to adhere to traffic signs and signals
Tailgating, improper passing, and other aggressive driving behaviors
Using cell phones, texting, and other types of distracted driving
Driving while under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription medications
Dealing With A Car Accident While On Vacation
The last thing you expect to happen on vacation is a car accident. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for tourists to be involved in crashes during the busy summer season. Whether you are driving your own vehicle or a rental car, there are some things you can do to protect yourself in the event a collision does occur:
Notify local law enforcement or state highway patrol immediately
Have your insurance information handy and exchange information with others at the scene
Make a note of exactly where and when the accident occurred
Get the names of any witnesses at the scene
Get a copy of the police report
Seek medical attention for your injuries, even if they appear minor
Contact a knowledgeable car accident attorney
Regardless of where you are traveling from, you will need an experienced, local car accident attorney on your side. The SC Department of Insurance advises that at fault drivers may be held liable for damages you suffer through a claim filed against their policies. We can represent you in these negotiations while also advising you on your rights in seeking compensation through a lawsuit filed in South Carolina courts.
Let Us Help You Today
At the Surasky Law Firm, LLC., we provide the trusted, professional legal representation you need if you are injured in a car accident while on vacation in South Carolina. To request a consultation regarding your rights, contact us today.