Thanksgiving Travel and Safety Tips

Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays, full of good food and festive gatherings with family and friends. As the official kick-off for the holiday season, many of us with either be spending the days leading up to it on the road traveling or attending to last minute details for gatherings in our homes. In either case, it is important to make safety a priority. To protect yourself and your loved ones against potentially serious personal injuries, follow these Thanksgiving travel and safety tips.
Holiday Travel Tips
Millions of travelers take to the road each year over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Whether you are traveling locally or visiting relatives in other states, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers. The general increase in traffic, the number of out-of-towners, and the chance for wintry weather all combine to make car accidents more likely to occur. To minimize your risks, the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTSA) recommends the following:
Watch your speed. While you may be in a hurry to reach your destination or to get last minute supplies you need at the store, heavier traffic conditions require you to slow down. Obey the speed limit, expect some delays, and allow yourself additional time on driving trips.
Avoid distractions. Planning for the holidays can leave you feeling somewhat distracted. When behind the wheel, keep your eyes on the road, your hands on the steering wheel, and your mind focused on the complex task of driving at all times.
Wear your seatbelt. The NHTSA estimates that seatbelts saved roughly 15,000 lives each year. Make sure you and everyone in your vehicle are buckled up before hitting the road. Pay close attention to children, using age appropriate child safety seats on each trip.
Drive sober. Whether you are enjoying a few glasses of wine with dinner or cocktails while out with friends, make alternate plans to get home safely. Drunk driving is unfortunately common over Thanksgiving and puts you, your passengers, and others on the road in danger.
Thanksgiving Day Fire Safety
In addition to taking precautions when driving, it is important to practice simple safety tips at home. If you are hosting friends and family for Thanksgiving this year, be aware that house fires are a common risk. According to the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA), more than 1,500 cooking related fires happen each year over the holiday, causing extensive property damage and potentially serious personal injuries. To protect yourself and your guests, follow these safety tips:
Stay in the kitchen if you have food cooking
Limit children’s access to the area
Keep dish towels and napkins away from hot surfaces
Make sure you have smoke alarms and fire extinguishers
If you are frying your turkey, do so outside.
Contact Us Today for Help
At the Surasky Law Firm, LLC, we are dedicated to protecting the best interests of you and your loved ones. That’s why we’ve provided you with these Thanksgiving travel and safety tips! To find out how we can help if an accident does occur, reach out and contact our Aiken personal injury attorney to request a consultation today.