100 Deadliest Days Of Summer

Memorial Day is considered the unofficial kick-off of the summer season. It also kicks off the beginning of the 100 deadliest days of summer for car accidents involving teen drivers. Crashes and collisions involving young people can result in serious and potentially life-threatening personal injuries. Parents can help to prevent these by being aware of the dangers and following some simple safety tips.
Teen Driving Dangers
Getting a driver’s license is a rite of passage for Aiken teens, but few realize the risks they face on the road. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), car accidents are the leading cause of personal injuries among young people between the ages of 16 and 19. Teens are three times more likely to be involved in a crash than their older counterparts, and the injuries they suffer are more likely to be severe.
Teens lack general experience with driving, which leaves them at a disadvantage when unexpected events occur. They also lack the maturity of older motorists, leading them to take more risks and to engage in potentially dangerous driving behaviors. Among the most common causes of teen car accidents in Aiken include the following:
Speeding, driving too fast for conditions, and racing other motorists
Running red lights and disregarding stop signs
Aggressive driving behaviors, such as tailgating and failure to yield
Distracted driving, such as making calls, sending texts, and taking pictures
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Drowsy driving, which is just as dangerous as driving impaired
Protecting Teen Car Accidents During The Summer Months
The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is designated as the “100 Deadliest Days of Summer.” According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), it is the time of year when teen car accidents are most likely to occur. To prevent these types of car crashes in Aiken, parents need to be aware of the risks. They also need to take certain precautions, which include the following:
Model good driving behavior for your teen. This includes obeying all traffic laws and wearing a seat belt at all times.
Limit the amount of time they spend on the road. Be particularly cautious at night and on weekends, which is when teen car accidents are most likely to occur.
Limit the amount of passengers in their vehicle. Friends are a major distraction and can cause teens to want to show off. Limit passengers to 1 or 2 friends.
Limit the areas where they can travel. Teens should avoid busy highways and interstates, as well as roads that see frequent traffic congestion.
Make an agreement regarding drinking and driving. Whether your teen is driving or a passenger in someone’s vehicle, you need to emphasize the dangers of driving impaired. Make an agreement in which they call for a ride rather than taking the risk.
Let Us Help You Today
When car accidents impact you or someone you love, the Surasky Law Firm, LLC. helps you get the compensation you need to recover. Contact our Aiken car accident attorney to request a consultation today.