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This Father’s Day, Men’s Health Month Raises Awareness Of Personal Injury Risks

June 21, 2020 is Father’s Day. It is a weekend when many of us will be letting the men in our lives know how much they mean to us. A national group uses this time to raise awareness of the many health concerns men face, including increased personal injury risks. In honor of Men’s Health Month, the following details the most common dangers and steps men can take to protect themselves.

Leading Causes of Death and Disability Among Men

Men’s Health Month is held annually in June, with the goal of focusing attention on common types of health issues that men face. Unfortunately, men often fail to take the time needed to protect themselves and are more likely to ignore dangerous warning signs or symptoms that could put them at serious risk.

As a result, men die on average five years younger than women and are more likely to suffer long-term disabilities. Personal injuries are one of the most frequent causes. Common types of accidents most likely to impact men include:

  • Car accidents. Men are more likely to engage in speeding, aggressive driving, and driving under the influence, all of which increases their risk.

  • Work-related accidents. Men are more likely to perform dangerous jobs for a living. They are also more likely to get distracted and may fail to take safety precautions, making work-related accidents more likely to happen.

  • Accidents due to defective and dangerous products. When not on the job, many men can be found performing tasks around their home. Not following standard safety procedures and using defective or dangerous products increases the likelihood of personal injuries.

  • Sports and recreational injuries. While sports and recreational hobbies such as biking, hiking, jogging, or other activities provide a source of fun and physical fitness, overdoing it can jeopardize men’s health.

How To Reduce Personal Injury Risks

According to statistics from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), unintentional injuries are the third leading cause of death among men. While generally referred to as “accidents,” the fact is they are often caused by the reckless actions of others involved. Steps men should take to protect themselves include the following:

  • When driving: Wear a seatbelt at all times, pay attention to the road, obey the speed limit, and avoid motorists engaged in reckless and aggressive driving behaviors.

  • At work: Make sure you are adequately trained to perform certain tasks and that the proper safety equipment is provided.

  • When performing tasks at home: Read directions before using tools and make sure you have someone nearby to “spot” you when working on ladders or at heights.

  • During other activities: Know your limits, take precautions, and get proper training before embarking on new hobbies or sports.

Reach Out To Our Aiken Personal Injury Attorney

This father’s day, men’s health month raises awareness of personal injury risks. At the Surasky Law Firm, LLC, we help people who suffer personal injuries get the compensation they are entitled to in a claim. To discuss your case, contact our Aiken personal injury attorney to request a consultation today.

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